Origin and recipe: the Cordovan flamenquín.

To speak of the flamenquín is to speak of a thousand varieties on a dish so typical of the gastronomy of the Guadalquivir Valley although it is already widespread throughout Spain. Its origi

Walking through history: the Alcazar de los Reyes Cristianos

Córdoba is undoubtedly an example of a city where diverse cultures have been superimposed and have even coexisted at certain moments in history, and of course, each of the towns that have pa

Mosque of Cordoba: witness of the evolution of a city

In this article we approach the most representative monument of the city of Córdoba, its Mosque - Cathedral, currently known as the Cathedral of the Assumption of Our Lady. This building was

Medina Azahara: Abderramán III and the legend of the almond trees.

In recent months, UNESCO has been discussing the inclusion of Medina Azahara in the prestigious list of enclaves and monuments World Heritage. On this you can read more carefully, since we wrote ab

Cordoba and the Roman Empire: The vestiges of Corduba, capital of the Bética.

For all the importance and Roman influence on Cordoba or Corduba is known, as it was said at that time. The etymological meaning of Corduba is not yet clear to researchers and there are several the

Reopening of the Cordoba Synagogue.

A year and two months ago the restoration works of the Cordoba Synagogue began, the second most visited monument in the city of Calipha. To this end, the repair of the roof of the guard house, the

Illustrious from Córdoba: The Great Captain

We have already written some entries about what to do in Cordoba, what to see and even what to eat and drink in the city of Caliphate, but a city is much more than what our senses perceive. The gre


The popular knowledge of the city of Cordoba will say without a doubt that in Caliphate time a kind of network of tunnels that connected the Mosque with the most important buildings of the Andalusi

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