
The popular knowledge of the city of Cordoba will say without a doubt that in Caliphate time a kind of network of tunnels that connected the Mosque with the most important buildings of the Andalusian Cordoba was built. It is one of the greatest curiosities of the mosque of Cordoba, but what is true of the existence of these tunnels?
Without a doubt it is a very difficult legend to verify, today there is no documentary evidence of the existence of such tunnels, but the people of Cordoba have been transmitting the legends that surround them since ancient times from generation to generation. Still great historians and archaeologists have worked hard in the investigation of this fact with the intention of clarifying the information we have about it. The rumors have always focused on the figure of Abderramán III, who ordered the construction of a secret passage that connected his palace (Medina Azahara) with the Aljama Mosque, according to the popular voice Abderramán, every day he crossed the corridor on horseback to lead the prayers of the loyals. However, there is another quite accepted theory that talks about a tunnel that ran under the river and that connected the Calahorra Tower with the Mezquita-Catedral.
Although the passages are not visitable because we do not know the certainty of their existence, the Mosque-Cathedral of Cordoba if it is visitable and its schedules and rates are the following:
From November to February:
From Monday to Saturday from 8:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Sundays and religious holidays from 8.30 am to 11.30 am and from 3 pm to 6 pm
From March to October:
From Monday to Saturday from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Sundays and religious holidays from 8.30 am to 11.30 am and from 3 pm to 7 pm
The price of the entrance to the mosque is 10 euros per person, for children 10 to 14 years 5 euros and free for children under 10 years and holders of the card "Andalusia Board 65", being also free for those born or residents In cordoba. The schedule to visit the mosque of Cordoba free is from 8:30 am to 9:30 am, after that period, the visit is completed, you can not stay in the temple and it closes for the regular visit after 10:00.
Some authors, such as José Manuel Morales, speak of the existence of certain underground water channels that connect the Sierra with the city center. Under the streets of the Roman Cordoba, there was a well-maintained and complex network of canalizations that allowed the rain water and the surplus of houses or public spaces to flow directly to the river. During the centuries of Muslim rule in the city of Cordoba, water remained a key element in the daily life of its inhabitants, but it is complicated to affirm the existence of passageways that were conditioned to allow the passage of people.
If we could say that the origin of these legends would be in the proven existence of passages and tunnels found under the Jewish quarter of the city of Cordoba and of course talking about these legends it is impossible to miss the opportunity to speak of the famous "sabat".
What is the "sabat"?
The sabat was a passage, located on the level of the street, that was supported on pillars and opened with arcs, which allowed the normal transit by the street. Its function is a subject that is still discussed among historians. Some will say that the main function was to protect the emir or the caliph, however others will say that the reason was to prevent the emir or caliph when entering the temple interrupted the prayers of the congregated congregation that rose to see their ruler.
The existence of the "sabat" is not without controversy, because two years ago some remains were found at the end of Torrijos street, were they the foundations of the "sabat"? We do not know, but there are elements in history that always remain in a precarious balance between reality and legend, and it may be precisely that which makes them so interesting.
To discover this and many more legends do not hesitate to sign up for our free tours of the yellow umbrella, both the one in Casco Histórico (Puerta de Almodóvar at 11:00) and the one in Legends of the Jewish Quarter (At 19:00 in June September in Puerta de Almodóvar). Our free tours need a previous reservation that can be done from Come with our expert guides to discover all the secrets that this fantastic city offers us.


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