10 Charmings corners of Cordoba


The beautiful city of Cordoba, one of the oldest in the Iberian Peninsula, stands out for one of the largest
historical centers in Europe and declared a World Heritage Site in 1994. In this article we will tell you
about ten corners of this charming historic center that you cannot miss out on your visit to this unique
  • 1. Almodóvar ́s Gate
This fourteenth-century door of the old wall of Córdoba is the best preserved in the entire old town and is
the entrance to the Jewish quarter. It stands out, in addition to its conservation, for its imposing size.
  • 2. Bailío ́s Staircase
It is a staircase that is located in the historic neighborhood of Santa Marina and is one of the most typical
pictures with the Casa del Bailío in the background, a 16th century house with a beautiful Renaissance
  • 3. Cristo de los Faroles
Behind the staircase of Bailío, it hides one of the most charming squares in Córdoba, because right in the
middle you can find this figure of Christ, the most revered in Córdoba and surrounded by eight lanterns.
  • 4. Forgiveness ́s Gate of the Mosque-Cathedral
It is the door that is located just below the bell tower of the mosque. From inside you can see unique
views of the “Patio de los Naranajos” and in the background the wall of access to the Mosque with its
typical caliphal arches.
  • 5. Mihrab of the Mosque
It is the most sacred space of the old mosque located on the wall of the quibla. A simple room on the wall,
but on its ceiling you can see an amazing vault decorated with tiles. An authentic jewel of Muslim art in
the time of the Caliphate.
  • 6. Posada del Potro
This old inn in the Plaza del Potro lies its originality in that it has been intact since the 16th century and
among its most famous guests was Miguel de Cervantes. It is currently a museum dedicated to flamenco in cordoba
  • 7. Flores Alley
Considered the most beautiful street in Córdoba, this alley located near the mosque is decorated with
flower pots and leads to a square that was an old cordobesian courtyard that still maintaining his essence.
  • 8. Pañuelo Alley
This alley is famous throughout the city for being the narrowest and because it was popularly said that the
narrowness of the street measured the same as a handkerchief stretched from end to end. At the end is a
small square decorated with a fountain.
  • 9. The Calahorra Tower
From the old tower that gives access to the famous Roman bridge, now converted into a museum, you can
see the most famous views of Córdoba, with the Roman bridge and the Mosque-Cathedral in the
background. The most beautiful picture in the city.
  • 10. Tendillas Square
It is the busiest square in the city and represents the image of modern Cordoba with its stately buildings
from the early 20th century flanking it and the famous equestrian statue of the “Gran Captain” in the
middle. A perfect place to have a drink and see the idiosyncrasy of Cordoba.
Do you want to know more about the most charming corners of Córdoba? Our local guides, graduates in
History in heritage interpreters are best suited for this. Don't hesitate to book our tours:
-Meeting point: Puerta de Almodóvar (11:00 Spanish / 13:30 English)
- Meeting point: Puerta de Almodóvar (17:00 Spanish and English)
We remind you that to guarantee your route a reservation is required. Find the yellow umbrella!

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