Aubergines with honey.


One of the most typical dishes of Cordoba, along with salmorejo and flamenquín, are aubergines with honey. This dish is quite simple to cook, since they are slices of eggplant fried in oil and seasoned with honey. Many people think that this dish is contemporary. However, this delicacy appears in different recipes from the Muslim period. It is known that Muslims had a very varied diet, among which we find a great consumption of vegetables such as chard, artichokes, celery, lettuce, cabbage, spinach, Swiss chard and, of course, eggplants. As mentioned earlier, the recipe is quite simple. Cut the aubergines into slices, then put them in a bowl with water and salt for 30 minutes to remove the bitter taste. Then, drain in flour and fry in oil. Finally, they are served with sugar cane honey. The use of honey in the Andalusi era was quite frequent. There is even evidence that the largest honey producer of these centuries was Lisbon. Many authors wrote recipes where the eggplant was the fundamental element. Thus, we have the following fragment, written by Averroes in his book Libro de las generalidades sobre medicina (XII century):

“Con berenjenas se hacen en nuestro país muchos platos delicados (…) Se parten las berenjenas de tamaño medio y se coloca sal en el corte para que pierdan el amargor que tienen; luego se hierven hasta que se cuezan. Se sacan y se meten en agua fría; después se toma una cabeza de ajo, se limpia y se machaca en el almirez con un poco de sal y miga de pan frito, un poco de harina cernida, un poco de almorí –condimento hecho amasando harina con agua, sal y numerosas especias, que se le van agregando muy complicadamente, secándose al sol-, macerado y otro poco de agua de cilantro verde. Se exprimen las berenjenas para que suelten el agua, sacándoles el corazón y las semillas. A lo que hay en el almirez se añade pimienta buena, canela de Ceylán y espliego pulverizado. Se añade a todo seis huevos, o los que admita, batiéndose bien tras haber retirado las yemas de los huevos. Después se rellenan con ello las berenjenas, guardando un poco del relleno; se rebozan con harina y se sumergen en aceite poco ácido hasta que se tuesten. Luego se disponen las berenjenas en un lebrillo cubierto de hojas de cidra y se vierte sobre ellas el relleno por todos los sitios; se cortan las yemas y se adornan con ellas el lebrillo y con brotes de cidra, menta y ruda. Después se espolvorea con especias y se presenta.”

Over the centuries, aubergines with honey have not only become one of the most popular recipes of Cordoba, but also one of the favorite dishes of tourists when tasting these delicacies.

If you want to know more curiosities of Cordoba, do not hesitate to make a free tour with us, both the Historical Center Tour (Puerta de Almodóvar at 11:00) and Legends of the Jewish Quarter Tour (Puerta de Almodóvar at 19:00). All our tours need a previous reservation, being able to do it in the web The yellow umbrella awaits you!

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