Synagogue Curiosities


Visiting the synagogue of Córdoba can be one of the most fascinating experiences you can enjoy during your trip to Córdoba.
It is the reflection of an exceptional period of coexistence and respect that occurred at the time Califal de Al-Andalus and continued during the reign of Fernando III el Santo and his son Alfonso X el sabio.
Four details or curiosities that you did not know about the Cordoba Synagogue.
1. In the 21st century, visiting the synagogue of Córdoba means submerging yourself in one of the three Jewish temples that exist in the Iberian Peninsula. Yes, only three are preserved. Two of them are located in Toledo, the synagogue of Santa María la Blanca and the Tránsito synagogue. The third is the synagogue of Córdoba. Therefore Visit the synagogue of Cordoba is to walk through unique remains of the Jewish Sephardic community.
2. The synagogue of Córdoba was divided into three small spaces. First of all, a patio for water purification rituals prior to prayer and that coincides with the reception or welcome to the temple. In second place we have the distributor that allowed to go to the prayer rooms, first floor for women and children and ground floor or main for men. Finally that own worship room for prayer and prayer rituals in the direction of Jerusalem.
3. Throughout the synagogue you can find verses of the Torah, the sacred text of the Jews and which coincides with the old testament of Catholicism in the Bible. Among the main verses of the Torah is the Shema, which is one of the main prayers of the Hebrew community.
4. Finally, although probably the most important thing, if you decide to visit the synagogue of Córdoba you should know that you are in a temple that was built in 1315, (catholic period of government in the kingdom of Castile), for the community Jewish, ordered to build by Alfonso X the wise (Christian) and ordered to the Islamic community that for the moment were the best architects of the time. The plasterwork is formed from this, forming floral, vegetal and natural symbols typical of the Islamic community and which remind us of our visit to the Alhambra in Granada or to visit the Real Alcázar of Seville.
For all this and much more you must visit Córdoba and book your guided tour Free Tour legends of the Jewish Quarter in Córdoba.
Schedule of the synagogue of Córdoba;
Tuesday to Sunday from 09:00 to 15:30
Price of the synagogue of Córdoba;
Members of the European Community: free
General admission: € 0.30

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